вторник, 10 февраля 2009 г.

Module #2

1. Books have an important place in everyone’s life. When you read a book you gain knowledge. People can learn about history and interesting events from books. You gain better vocabulary from reading. I love to read books and enjoy non-fiction, poetry, mystery, and joke books.

2. Besides books I like reading newspapers and magazines. Newspapers describe current events in Armenia and around the world. Usually, I read newspapers but I’m more interested in magazines that are about celebrities. Yes!, Yes!Girl, Qez Hamar, and Menua are my favorite because they describe different celebrities, have horoscopes, and recipes.

3. Music is an integral part of a person’s life. I can’t imagine a person who doesn’t like music. Music makes people happy. It is especially important for holidays and celebrations. It’s interesting to me how people follow music from around the world. I enjoy people who can play instruments. I wish I could play an instrument. I hope to study the piano. I listen to pop, R&B and modern music. I listen to music on MP3, DVD, and performances. Emmy, Madonna and Shakira are my favorite singers. 

4. Young to old people like to watch TV. They gain knowledge from TV. It helps people relax. I also like to relax by watching TV. Everyone can use and access a TV. I like to watch Yerku Aster, Hay Aspet, and Bonus are my favorite shows. I like them because from Hay Aspet and Bonus you gain knowledge. (They are game shows.) I enjoy Yerku Aster because it’s interesting to listen to the songs. My favorite channels are ArmeniaTV, Shant, and MTV, and Animal Planet.

5. I like to play video games. I play with my sister. But, It’s difficult form me to wait for her to finish her turn. I really like to play but I don’t have that much free time. Currently I like to play Mario because it has interesting level in which you need to save the princess.


6. Everyone uses computers. You can say that computers are an information spring. I hope that in the future everyone will be able to equally use computers. I use computers to study Armenian through games, to participate in different projects, and to do school work.

7. Internet is used by many people and informs them. I use internet everyday. I don’t have internet in my home. I use our school’s computer room. On the internet I go to different sites to do research for class and to research my interests.  

Media Preferences Ranked 

1. Internet
2. Computer
3. Television
4. Music
5. Newspaper and magazine
6. Books
7. Video games

2 комментария:

  1. Hello, my name is Katie and I'm from the US. I really like your media inventory post! The internet is also my favorite media form... I use the internet everyday for research too, except that I attend Florida Virtual School(flvs.net), where I use the internet for all of my schooling, its great.

  2. Hello Narine, Your blog is very interesting, I really enjoy it! Keep on working!
